We need to understand that in this time of the coronavirus we need to have intimacy with God, with the Holy Spirit; it is the only way you can overcome this and stay emotionally healthy; otherwise you will be full of panic, anxiety, anger, etc.
People who do not have communion with the Holy Spirit are not going to be able to survive this Covid 19 crisis in a healthy way.
They will end up emotionally ill, because they do not have the peace that can only be obtained by having a close relationship with the Holy Spirit.
If you have a close relationship with God (Holy Spirit) your life will be safe and you will not fear the bad news; even if they are a reality, but the Word of God is the truth and is higher than the reality.
And the Word of God says that angels will camp around me, and Psalm 91 says that no plague will touch your dwelling, and that you and I live in the shelter of the Most High.
The only way we can get ahead is because every day, not one day yes and another no, we come to the Holy Spirit, refuge in God, and by being close to Him we will feel His love and we will not fear any evil because He is with us. , Psalms 23 says: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid,for you are close beside me”. “The Lord is my shepherd and I shall lack nothing” and even though there is the coronavirus we are covered with the blood of Christ.
Think about it:
Are you full of anxiety and fear or do you have the peace of God in your heart?
Do you have or would you like to have communion with the Holy Spirit?
Are you seeking God every day?