Some people resent God and say why don’t I have as much as others?
There can be several reasons, but one that I want to emphasize is this:
There are lazy and stubborn people who want to have the same as others who work hard and wisely. That’s not how it works.
Joshua was telling them: Work, conquer!
People want the benefits of blessed people, but they don’t want to pay the price of discipline, order, hard work, prayer and fasting, being generous, tithing, service, etc.
They want to reap blessings, but they are lazy, stingy, they do not pray, they do not tithe, they do not fast, they do not work hard, they do not go the extra mile, they are not helpful, they have not sown and therefore they have nowhere to reap, etc.
Why do some have more financial peace in this pandemic and global crisis?
- Because before covid19 they worked hard and wisely.
- Because they used a budget.
- Becausetheypracticed 10-10-80.
- Because they put God first.
- Because they saved and created an emergency fund.
Therefore, this Coronavirus emergency in reality isn’t an emergency for them.
It’s not too late to begin.
Think about it:
How are you financially in this crisis?
Have you seen the fruit (blessings of God) of your hard work?
Have you practiced the principles of 10-10-80 (10% God, 10% Savings, 80% lifestyle)?
What do you need to start implementing?