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Coronavirus vs quarrelsome spouse


May the devil not steal our JOY with this world crisis.

It’s better to live alone in the corner of anattic  than with a quarrelsome wife… (Prov. 21:9 NLT)

What do the roof and the desert have in common?

Both places are solitary, but they have more peace than where there is an argumentative person.

Some people worry because they fear being alone and having no one to go to the restaurant with on a Friday night; But surely, it’s better that you don’t have someone to go to the movies with, than having to put up with a fierce, bitter and argumentative person in your house.

The Bible says that it is better to live on the rooftop or even in the desert than with a complaining and argumentative person.

Let’s not allow the devil or the crisis to steal our joy, because then we will become bitter and difficult people.

It’s better to live alone in the corner of anattic  than with a quarrelsome wife.. (Prov. 21:19NTV)

Think about it:

Are you allowing the devil and this crisis to steal your joy?
How is the environment in your home?
What could you do to maintain an environment of joy in your family?

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