On this earth four things are small but very wise:(Prov. 30:24-28 CEV)
- They are very small insects that store food in the summer to have enough in the winter. (Good management-hardwork-savings).
- Badgers: Are little animals that, because they are helpless, make their caves among the rocks. (Sense of protection). For us the rock is now Christ.
- The grasshoppers, even though they don’t have a commander they are as orderly and disciplined as an army, (Order: God cannot bless disorder. Discipline: Ability to act orderly and persevering to achieve objectives)
- Lizards, which are easy to catch, but live free in palaces. (Wisdom, they don’t own the palace but live in it; they don’t pay the palace bills, but they enjoy all the benefits that are there).
Think about it:
Which of these 4 animals do you need to learn from?
In this crisis, were you financially prepared because in the past you were like the ants or were you affected by not saving?
In what area do you need to discipline yourself?