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Give me back the joy of your salvation


Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. (Psalms 51:12 KJV)

Let’s not allow the devil to steal our joy, because if that happens, we can lose or harm our family..

King David realized that because he had lost the joy of his salvation, he hurt several people, but he repented and asked God for forgiveness and asked him to return the joy of his salvation.

What do we do so that nothing and nobody steals our joy?

1. Accept Christ in your heart. Without Him there is no salvation, and without salvation there is no joy, there is no peace. He said: “My peace I leave you, my peace I give you.”

2. Don’t try to control what you can’t control. We were all created to control and feeling that we’re losing control can make us react harshly. You have to be aware that right now you can’t decide many things, you have to let go of things, and trust God.

3. Limit the news and read the Bible more, because in the Bible you will find the fruits of the Holy Spirit, including joy.

4. Serve someone. Try to do something good for someone, that will bring satisfaction and joy to your life.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. (Psalms 51:12 KJV)

Think about it:

Have you hurt someone because of the lack of joy who you need to ask for forgiveness?
Have you allowed Jesus to be in your heart?
How are you reacting to loss of control?
Are you praying and reading the Bible more than listening to news?
Who could you serve or bless this week?

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