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That the Covid-19 does not make me lazy


I walked by the field of a lazy person,the vineyard of one with no common sense. (Proverbs 24:30 NLT)

It doesn’t matter what project you give a lazy person, they will never flourish what is given to them.

The lazy does not multiply, they don’t prosper, don’t finish their studies, don’t open their own business; they have good intentions, but lack discipline and good common sense.They leave projects halfway, give up at the first sign of difficulty, and don’t fight for their home or ministry. They don’t care.

What happens to the lazy?

I saw that it was overgrown with nettles.It was covered with weeds, and its walls were broken down.(Prov. 24:31 NLT)

Let’s not get accustomed to not working in these times. Let’s be productive, let’s seek God more by praying and reading his word, let’s spend quality time with family, let’s exercise, let’s learn something new, let’s clean the garden, let’s cook, etc. but let’s not become lazy.

I walked by the field of a lazy person,the vineyard of one with no common sense. (Proverbs 24:30 NLT)

Think about it:

What things had you left halfway?
What new projects could you start during these times?
What productive things do you do during the day?

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