Covid can’t steal what isn’t mine


Neither you, nor I, nor the bank are the owners of the material things we enjoy.
The Bible says: The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to him.”. (Psalms 24:1 NLT)

Many people bury themselves in materialism believing that success is owning as much as possible in this world.

They get sick, they lose families and friends trying to get more, but I have never seen anyone who can take their luxurious car to heaven (or hell), I have never seen someone buried with their mansion or their fishing boat.

They think they are owners and when they lose something, they get depressed.

I want to remind you that you and I are only administrators, God is the owner. We have only been entrusted with cars, houses, family, bank accounts, resources, time, and skills to use (manage) them to fulfill His purpose, not to live “the crazy life”.

My stress drops in these times of pandemic when I remember that the owner (God) will take care of His things that I administer for him.

My stress drops when I remember that God is still MY SOURCE of all blessings.

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to him.”. (Psalms 24:1 NLT)

Think about it:

How important is it to you to possess many things in this world?
What are you doing with all (resources) that God has entrusted to you?
Have you been filled with stress during this crisis for fear of losing something?
How does it help you to know that God owns everything?