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Hunger (or the virus) is due to…


 There was a famine during David’s reign that lasted for three years, so David asked the Lord about it. And the Lord said, “The famine has come because Saul and his family are guilty of murdering the Gibeonites.”. (2 Samuel 21:1 NLT) 

What did David do when there was a crisis in his nation?
The first thing he did was consult God and not the witches. There was something hindering the blessing. It was an injustice that a previous king (Saul) had committed. He had spilled innocent blood.

In this coronavirus crisis we must also go to God and ask Him, what is hindering everyone from being healthy? What is God waiting for us humans to do? Repentance and humility.

I think something we need to do is live in continual repentance. God has seen that the earth is full of evil, that the heart of the human being is inclined to perversion, that injustice is great in the world, that a lot of innocent blood has been spilled.

We can’t ignore this and simply wait for the virus to pass.
Many people are anxiously just wishing for everything would go back to “normal”, but I don’t think it’s good to go back to what “normal” was before, where the rights of unborn babies are ignored, where orphans, the poor and widows are forgotten, where violence, discrimination, racism, injustice, prevail. etc.

1.Let’s ask God.
2. Let’s live in continual repentance and humiliation until we defeat this virus.
3. Let’s search our hearts and take out the garbage that gets in our way.

I don’t’ want to pass this pandemic and come out on the other side being the same person. I want to be transformed and changed, I want to continue being a better human being, a better husband and father, a better pastor, a better citizen, etc.

The sooner we approach God and make changes in our hearts, the sooner this pandemic will pass.

 There was a famine during David’s reign that lasted for three years, so David asked the Lord about it. And the Lord said, “The famine has come because Saul and his family are guilty of murdering the Gibeonites.”. (2 Samuel 21:1 NLT) 

Think about it: 

Have you gotten closer to God during this pandemic?
Have you already asked God what is it that he wants you to change?
What changes have you made to be a better parent, spouse, and child of God?

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