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I can’t explain the “how” – part 2

Part 2

 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV) 

There are things that I can’t explain by logic, I can only say them by revelation.

In the midst of adverse situations, or in times of crisis, we do not humanly know how God is going to work in our lives, but by faith we see that the problem has already passed.

We don’t know how God is going to do it, but we have trust that He will do it.

Yesterday we saw an example of how God supernaturally performed financial miracles in the life of a widow, and today we will see other examples:

I can’t explain “how” the woman who couldn’t have children became pregnant by the word given by the prophet Elisha. (2 Kings 4:16)

2.- Life to the dead.
I can’t explain “how” a dead child was resurrected just because Elisha laid over him.
(2 Kings 4:34)

3.- I can’t explain “how” a handful of flour healed the poisonous pumpkins, but I only know “what” they ate, and they didn’t get sick anymore. (2 Kings 4:41)
What issues or people have been poisoning your life?

4.- AbundantFood.
I can’t explain the “how” twenty loaves could feed more than a hundred people and that over food, but I can explain the “what” happened. (2 Kings 4:43-44)

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV)

Think about it:

What kind of miracle are you needing from God?
What do you need God to resurrect?
What do you need God to multiply?

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