Those who have gone only up to the ankles will not come out of this crisis successfully.
(Ezekiel 47:5 NKJV)
Times are tough and people who only have a superficial relationship with God will not survive.
Ankle-deep marriages will fail.
Christians who had a low level of commitment to the ankles or knees will go back.
But those who get completely and unreservedly in the river of God will come out of this crisis successfully.
Lord, I want to get into the waters of your Spirit at a depth where I have to swim.
I surrender and trust that the currents of your waters will guide me to success.
When I swim in the depths of your waters it means that I am surrendered, that I don’t try to control anything, that I fully trust you.
(Ezekiel 47:5 NKJV)
Think about it:
How is your relationship with God, superficial or profound?
How is your level of commitment with God and in your marriage?
Have you allowed God’s waters to guide you or have you resisted?