It’s true that the economy has been shaken.
It’s true that some jobs have been lost and some small businesses have closed.
It’s true that there has been less work in some areas such as tourism and restaurants.
But despite all this, we have seen the generosity of God’s people.
The people of Eagles CFC have been faithful in their generosity to their church; with how little or how much they receive from God.
People have been generous helping each other when there are needs.
They have been generous in bringing pantries to the door of someone who has been ill.
They have been generous in collecting offerings to help with a funeral or medical expense.
They have been generous collecting offerings for families who were in danger of losing basic services such as shelter, electricity, or water.
Thank you Lord for the generous people of Eagle CFC! Don’t forget their prayers and good works.
Think about it:
In what way have you shown your generosity?
What rewards have you seen on behalf of God for your generosity?
Who can you show your generosity to this week?