God’s people had left Egypt fleeing from slavery and were going through the desert, but God always led them with a pillar of cloud during the day, and with a pillar of fire at night. God’s presence guided them in that visual way to show them the way even when there was total darkness. Perhaps you have felt that your life is dark, that your marriage and finances are dark, perhaps the depression due to physical and social distancing has brought darkness to your home, but the column of God enlightens you.
What did the pillar provide (God’s presence)?
- . They were in the desert. A desert is dark, there is no light; the night can be intimidating. It’s difficult to see, there’s no clear vision, you can’t see where you’re going, you begin to lose God’s purpose.
- Provides heat. In the desert the weather is extreme. During the day it can be blazing hot and you can die of dehydration; but at night it can be very cold, and someone could even die of hypothermia because the cold penetrates the bones. The cold of loneliness. Have you felt lonely during this pandemic?
- Protection. The cloud provides them protection. The army couldn’t get close to the people of Israel overnight. Why? Because there was a column of fire between them and the enemy.
The devil wants to approach your family and attack you during this pandemic. He wants to destroy your finances and he wants to make you return toyourvices. But God is still your protector and He commands His angels to camp around you and to guard you in all His ways. God enlightens you, provides warmth and protection!
Think about it:
In what way has the enemy wanted to attack you?
What do you need God to enlighten in your life?
Do you need light, warmth, or God’s protection?