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How to conserve your job – part 2



Part 2


Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men. (Prov. 22:29)

If you want to be ordinary, just do what ordinary people do. If you want to excel and be successful then you should do what successful people do.

If you don’t want to always earn the minimum you will have to be skilled and excel in your work.

Yesterday we shared some practical tips that will help you be successful in your work, even if there is a pandemic. Today we will share two more.




A hot-tempered person starts fights;

    a cool-tempered person stops them. (Prov. 15:18 NLT)


Think about it:

Which one do you think they’re going to keep at work when they have to cut staff, the one who loses their temper easily or the one who keeps their cool?

Are you one someone who is always complaining at work or are you a problem solver?

What can you suggest and what can you do to help solve problems that you have seen at your job?

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