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Never place your trust



Look what happens to mighty warriors who do not trust in God. They trust their wealth instead and grow more and more bold in their wickedness.». (Psalms 52:7 NLT)

With crises, many temporary things are lost, such as jobs, money, positions of influence, investments, and even marriages.

For this reason, our trust and security must depend on something (better said/someone) that no one can take from me, that can’t be lost, and that someone is God.

Don’t put your trust in wealth, all that is temporary, all that can be lost. Now God is giving you time to rectify so that you put your eyes and trust in Him and in that way, all other things will be blessed.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.. (1 Timothy 6:10 NLT)

 Think about it:

Where is your trust, in money or in God?

Are you about to lose something or have you already lost it?

Why do you think it’s important to put your trust in God?

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