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I want to do your will, but i don’t know how



Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.

May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.

(Psalms 143:10 NLT)


Many of us want to do God’s will, but sometimes we find it so difficult for various reasons.


On some occasions we are confused, and we aren’t able to discern if our desire comes from God, or if it comes from our own ego, pride or competitiveness.


Do I want that girlfriend just to take her from another boy? Do I want a certain job, or that role in the church just to prove to myself that “I can”, or because it’s God’s purpose for my life?


Therefore, it is important to ask God to teach us to do his will, as the psalmist David did:


Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.

(Psalms 143:10 NLT)


To be continued…


Think about it:

Is what you are doing God’s will for your life or are you not sure?

Do you usually ask God to show you His will in the decisions you have to make?

Why do you think doing God’s will is better than doing our will?

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