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What would have happened?



What if the Lord had not been on our side?… (Psalms 124:1 NLT)


While Reading this verse I thought about how many things have happened throughout my life and how God has been by my side.


  1. God was by my side when I was a child.

I am thankful, because even though my parents separated when I was still a child, God saved me so that I would not become a criminal just like many other children and teenagers that live in dysfunctional families.


  1. What would have happened in my adolescence?

I reflect and recognize that my life would have been quite different if God had not intervened in my adolescence when I almost followed the paths of friends that did not so honest things.


  1. In my adult life.

My adult life would not have been as fruitful or blessed if God had not been by my side.

My family life would not have been as blessed if God would not have been by my side.

The beautiful ministry in which God has allowed us to serve would not have existed if He would not have been by my side.

I do not imagine myself in this world without God in the center of my life.

What I am, is because God has been by my side; what I have, is because God has been by my side; where I am is because God has been by my side; where I am going, is because God is on my side. Thank you, Lord!


What if the Lord had not been on our side?… (Psalms 124:1 NLT)


Think about it:

What would have happened in your childhood if God had not been by your side?

What would have happened in your adolescence if God had not been by your side?

How would your family be now if God were not with you?

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