Then satan entered



Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, (Luke 22:3 NLT)


What are we letting enter our heart during this time?


Wow! This phrase makes me think a lot that there’s a specific moment when people can give place to the devil.

The word “then” tells me that there was something that happened before that moment.

Things don’t happen in an instant. Relationships and friendships are not ruined in a minute. Marriage is not broken by a single anger.


There is a process to get to the point where the devil uses a person.

It all starts with a small nail in the heart. An offense that cultivates and doesn’t get resolved.

When that moment comes we become unrecognizable, treacherous, bitter, seeking opportunities to get even, etc.


So he agreed and began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus…. (Luke 22:6 NLT)


Let’s be careful during this time (or ever) to allow our toxic emotions to win us over and not give the devil room to enter into our hearts.

May there never be a “then Satan entered” moment.


Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, (Luke 22:3 NLT)


Think about it:

What have you allowed to enter into your heart?

Have you allowed an offense to anger you and you haven’t resolved it?

What do you want to be in your heart this year?