Enter and come out with family


… hen everything was ready, the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the boat with all your family… (Genesis 7:1a NLT)

1.We enter and come out with family. We entered a time of pandemic with family and we must come out with family.
In this pandemic we have had the opportunity (some took advantage of it, and others did not) to share a little more with our family, to strengthen the relationships at home, to give the family the importance it deserves.
We have seen in this year of pandemic that money and material things can disappear at any time, but family is for life.
Let’s make sure that when this pandemic is over, our family is not over, we must make sure that not only did we go into this with family, but we will come out with our family as well.

2.Now the ark is Christ.
Let us pray that our families will also accept Christ in their hearts and be saved.

He went on board the boat to escape the flood—he and his wife and his sons and their wives. (Genesis 7:7 NLT)

Let’s enter the ark (Christ) with our family.
Let’s serve in church as a family.
Let’s enjoy life as a family.

Think about it:

How is your marital and family relationship?
How did you take advantage of this time of pandemic to strengthen your relationships with your spouse and children?
What can you do to continue your whole life together as a family and into eternity?