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The moments of silence have power


Then Moses and the Levitical priests addressed all Israel as follows: “O Israel, be quiet and listen! Today you have become the people of the Lord your God.(Deuteronomy 27:9 NLT)

Listen in silence.
We can’t listen while we speak.
We can’t be effective in both things at the same time.
You can’t hear well in the middle of noise.

Today I was trying to speak to someone on the other side of the counter and it was very difficult for me to understand them because there was another person standing close to me who was speaking loudly.

I’ve noticed that when I’m on the phone many times my voice overpowers that of the other person. When we try to talk at the same time neither of us understands what the other says, and it ‘s even worse if my phone is on speaker. I have to force myself to be quiet until the other person is done speaking.

There is power in marriage when we are silent to actively listen to our spouse. It’s easier to solve any difficult situation.

There is power when we are silent to listen to a coworker, the teacher at school, the pastor at church, the coach on the team, etc.

Likewise, every morning I take a moment of silence (and sometimes during the day) in order to understand what God is trying to speak to me for that day or for a certain situation.
Moments of silence have power.

Then Moses and the Levitical priests addressed all Israel as follows: “O Israel, be quiet and listen! Today you have become the people of the Lord your God.(Deuteronomy 27:9 NLT)

Think about it:

Is it easy or difficult for you to listen to others?
Do you take time to listen to your spouse and children and especially to listen to God?
Why do you think there is power in listening?

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