How does the wise man extend his life? part 2

Part 2

Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. (Proverbs 9:11-12 NTV)

Yesterday we shared two points of how the wise man lengthens their life, which are: Taking care of their spiritual and physical health, and today we will learn two more points.

3. The wise man takes care of his mental health.

  • He doesn’t add junk food to his mind, takes care of what he watches on tv, what he reads, what he listens to.
  • Doesn’t allow patterns of self-destructive thoughts. Instead of feeding thoughts like “Oh Lord, I am useless, I never do things right”, They say: “Lord, I function aligned with your will and I conduct myself according to your original plan and purpose for my life. I am excited, efficient, successful, I live in blessings, I declare that cycles of success, health and prosperity are replacing the cycles of failure, poverty and death in my life”.

4. The wise man takes care of his emotional health, and this lengthens his life.

  • Takes time to have fun to have a good balance in life.
  • They don’t get overwhelmed with stress.
  • Eliminates toxic people from their life.
  • They don’t hold resentments and bitterness.
  • Tries to resolve conflicts quickly and biblically, with dignity, respect, and love.


 If you become wise, you will be benefited.
If you despise wisdom, it will be you who suffers. (Prov. 9:12 NTV)

Think about it:
What do you feed your mind with? Is your mind a highway of God’s thoughts?
How do you eliminate stress in your life?
Is there resentment in your heart?
What kind of people do you surround yourself with?