Part 2
I find the key to Solomon’s success at the end of this sentence:
1. God was with him.
Jesus said: “apart from me you can do nothing.”
2.God decided to make him powerful.
It was not his whim. God had a specific purpose that he wanted to fulfill through Solomon.
We must not compare ourselves with others and try to do the same as them, but rather, we must find out why God brought us to this earth, and then He will prosper everything we do.
Reason: “I am doing his will.” (Psalms 40: 8)
He doesn’t bless whims, but blesses his purposes.
He isn’t with the proud and rebellious, but with the humble and obedient.
Lord, I declare that I walk in your times and in your purposes.
Make my will operate in complete harmony with yours.
I declare that my steps are ordered by you and therefore I am living my best days.
He delights in every detail of their lives. (Psalms 37:23)
Think about it:
Are you doing your part on this earth or someone else’s part?
Are you walking in this world within God’s timing and purpose?
Is your will in tune with God’s will?