Yesterday we learned that life experiences, whether positive or negative, shouldn’t be wasted.
There are self-experiences and experiences of others.
I can learn from self-experiences, but I can also learn from the experiences of others.
If I am only learning from my experiences, then I will delay in growing, in maturing, in developing abilities for success, I would suffer more deceptions, etc.
But, when I am wise and also learn from the experiences of others, whether good or bad, I can also succeed faster in my spiritual, family, social and financial life.
For example, if I learn from the experience of my parents who separated when I was young, then I will avoid the mistakes they made and have a better chance of success in my marriage.
Another example in financial life. I can try to build a business on my own by trying to reinvent the wheel, or I can benefit from the experiences of others who have failed and others who have succeeded, and then I will have a much better chance of success in my own business.
I can learn only from my mistakes and victories, or I can learn from the manual of life, the Bible.
Think about it:
What have you learned from the mistakes of others?
What did you learn from your mistakes?
How has the experience of other people who have been successful in some area helped you?
What Bible principles that you have put into practice have given you success?