Lord, help me to make a difference in this world regardless of what others are like.
Give me your grace to do good and right things regardless of what others do.
(Isaiah 56:1 NLT)
Help me give myself the pleasure of being nice to the waiters when I go out to eat with my family.
Always give me plenty of resources to be generous with people and thank them with words and tips, regardless of whether other people do or not. I want to be someone different. I want to represent you.
Give me the grace so that I am not bitter because others are not kind.
I don’t want to fall into the trap of being just like them out of revenge.
I have the power to keep me flying higher.
I know that whatever I sow, I will also reap; therefore, I will sow what is good and what is right.
Think about it:
How are you making a difference on this earth?
What can you do for someone on this day?
What kind of seeds have you planted?