Part 2
Yesterday we learned about the meaning of the beginning portion of this passage and today we will learn about the last portion:
3. Smooth out the road; and raise a flag.
To smooth out tells me about having a clear vision in Eagles CFC, so people can see it and understand it with clarity.
4. Pull out the boulders.
Pulling out the boulders speaks to me about removing the obstacles of religiosity, legalism, protocols, complex systems, etc. It speaks about simplifying things.
It also speaks to me about cleaning. Clear the path, cleanse the heart, bring healing and freedom to the soul, remove sin, remove hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, promote holiness; foster the fear of God in myself, in others, in homes, and in churches.
5. Raise a flag speaks to me about visibility.
That people can see where we are located, both in the temple and in the thousands of small groups or houses of peace around the city.
Raising a flag speaks to me about taking territories through the Houses of Peace and establishing the government of the kingdom of God in every home, in every church, in every city and in every nation.
Think about it:
What vision do you have? Do you understand it clearly and follow it?
What boulders need to be removed in your life or in your heart?
Have you raised a flag of the kingdom of God in your home?