1. God is our source. I am giving you all this land… (Genesis 13:15 NLT)
It is God who gives riches.
God is the source of our blessing.
The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. (Prov. 10:22)
We must not forget that God is the one who gives us the power and wisdom to make wealth.
2. Vision.
God wants to bless us, but He gives us as far as we have vision, as far as I can see, as far as I have faith and believe.
If I believe that God will heal the sick, if I can see it; then God will do it.
If I believe that God will bless me with a growing company, if I can see it; then God will do it.
3. Descendants.
God’s blessing also benefits our future generations. …to you and your descendants as a permanent possession (Genesis 13:15 NLT)
Think about it:
Are you aware that everything you have comes from God?
Can you see all that God wants to do in you and through you?
Can you see your family blessed?