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The Same


“The king and the prince will stand helpless… I will bring on them the evil they had done to others” (Ezekiel 7:27 NLT)
What we sow today determines what we will harvest tomorrow. This principle applies especially to leaders, who have the responsibility to use their influence for the good of others.

  1. Be mindful of what we sow as leaders
    “The king and the prince” represent leaders—anyone who has the privilege of leading a group, a team, or an organization. Ezekiel 7:27 warns us that God will treat us in the same way we treat others. It’s a call to reflect on how we use our influence: Are we sowing justice, kindness, and respect, or are we sowing harm and selfishness? What we plant in the hearts of those around us will eventually be what we will harvest in our own lives.
  2. The same measure we use
    God holds us to the same standard we apply to others. It is an unbreakable principle of life: we will harvest what we sow. If we treat others with love, dignity, and respect, God will reward us with the same. But if we sow harm, that harm will return to us. This is a clear reminder that we must be careful about how we use our power and influence.
  3. Sow to reap healing
    Our desire should be to sow what is good: “Lord, give me the grace today to treat others with dignity, respect, kindness, love, and generosity.” We want to sow healing so that we can acquire healing in our lives and our community. Through the series “Decisions that Heal”, we are planting good seeds in our city, trusting that God, who is just, will not forget our good works.

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