They Moved in Unity


“When the cherubim moved, the wheels moved with them. When they lifted their wings to fly, the wheels stopped. When they flew upward, the wheels rose up, for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.” (Ezekiel 10:16-17 NLT)

The key to the success of the “Decisions that Heal” series is that we move in unity, just as the cherubim and the wheels did. By moving together, at the same time and in the same direction, we can achieve great things in our community and witness the glory of God manifest.

  1. Let’s move in unity for the healing of our city
    The cherubim and the wheels moved in perfect coordination. In the same way, we must move in unity in this series, advancing together so that God can heal many people, marriages, and families. When we work as one body, we will see a powerful impact in our city. We cannot do it alone; we need mutual support to bring about the transformation God desires.
  2. United at the same time and in the same direction
    The cherubim and the wheels didn’t just move together; they moved at the same time and in the same direction. This teaches us that to see the power of God in action, we must be synchronized in our faith, actions, and mission. As a church, we are called to move together, not just individually, but as a body acting with a united purpose.
  3. The result of unity: the glory of God
    When we move in unity, the glory of God is manifested. In Ezekiel 10:18, we see that “the glory of the LORD left the doorway of the temple and hovered above the cherubim.” In the same way, as we move together in the “Healing Decisions” series, we will see the manifestation of God’s glory in our lives, families, and community.

Think about it:

  • How can you contribute to the unity of your church during the “Decisions that Heal” series?
  • In what ways can moving in unity with other believers accelerate healing in your life and in the community?
  • Are you willing to align yourself with God’s purpose to see His glory manifested?

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