Love is a Decision, Not a Feeling

Love is a Decision, Not a Feeling

“This is my command: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12, NIV)


  1. Love is a command, not a suggestion.
    Jesus gives us a clear directive: to love others as He has loved us. It is not optional or dependent on our emotions. By choosing to love, we are obeying God’s call and reflecting His character.
  2. Love requires sacrifice.
    Jesus’ love for us was sacrificial. He showed us that true love for others means setting aside our ego and personal desires, acting with the well-being of others in mind. This is an act of will, not just an emotional reaction.
  3. Love is demonstrated in actions.
    Love is not limited to what we feel for someone but is shown through what we do. When we choose to love, we act with patience, kindness, and generosity, even when our emotions don’t align. Love is a daily action that reflects our commitment to God and to others.
  4. Love is persevering.
    Feelings can fluctuate, but the decision to love must remain constant. Jesus calls us to love at all times, especially when it’s difficult or when love is not reciprocated. Our perseverance in love reveals our dependence on God and His Spirit within us.
  5. Love as Jesus loved us.
    The way we love others should reflect the perfect, selfless love of Jesus. He loved us with patience, forgiveness, and without expecting anything in return. In the same way, we should love others, not expecting a reward, but as an extension of the love we have received from Christ.
“This is my command: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12, NIV)

Think about it:

  1. How can you demonstrate love to someone today, even if you don’t feel like it?
  2. Are there areas in your life where you’ve allowed feelings to guide your love instead of choosing to love?
  3. How can you make love a daily priority, as an act of obedience to God?