God Still Speaks

God Still Speaks

“Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 (NLT)

God is a God who speaks, guides, and reveals His plans to His people. Throughout biblical history, prophets were key instruments in communicating divine purposes, and this truth remains relevant today. God continues to speak through His Word, His Spirit, and His servants. However, the issue often is not that God is silent, but that our spiritual senses are not attuned to hear Him.
How God speaks today:

  1. Through His Word.
    • The Bible is the most reliable prophetic word. It is the standard against which we measure any message we believe we’ve received. As we read it, the Holy Spirit guides us and gives us clear direction for our lives.
    • Every message must align with what Scripture teaches.
  2. Through genuine prophets.
    • In ancient times, kings consulted prophets for wise decisions. Today, God still uses genuine prophets to communicate His heart and vision to the church.
    • It is a great blessing to have people with this gift in a healthy and biblical context.
  3. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    • The Holy Spirit dwells within us and leads us into all truth. If we maintain a close relationship with God, we can discern His voice through impressions, dreams, or confirmations in our hearts.
  4. Through circumstances and wise counsel.
    • God also uses life circumstances and the counsel of godly people to reveal His will. Being attentive to these signs is key to following His direction.

The issue is not that God does not speak, but whether we are sensitive enough to hear Him. This is why we must cultivate a life of prayer, Scripture reading, and communion with God to sharpen our spiritual senses.

“Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7 (NLT)

Think About It:

  • Are you dedicating time to listen to what God wants to say to you through His Word?
  • Are you open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the counsel of godly people?
  • Take a moment today to pray, “Lord, speak to me; I am listening.”