To Sleep or Not to Sleep

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

“…But Jonah had gone below in the ship and had lain down and fallen asleep. So the captain went to him and said, “How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god. It may be that your god will care about us, and we will not dies.'” Jonah 1:5-6 (NLV)

In life, we face storms, trials, and challenges, and each situation requires a different response. This passage prompts reflection: in the midst of problems, should I sleep (rest in God) or not sleep (rise and take action)? Both responses are valid, depending on what God is asking of me in each moment.
1. Do not sleep: Rise and take action.

  • Sometimes, storms require us to confront the situation with courage and responsibility. Like Jonah, there are times when we cannot ignore the problem or run away.
  • Examples:
    • Jonah 1:6: “How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god.” The captain confronts Jonah because his lack of action was affecting others.
    • 1 Kings 19:5: When he lay down and slept under the juniper tree, an angel touched him. The angel said to him, “Get up and eat.”
    • Joshua 1:8: “Be strong and of good courage.” God calls us to act with determination when facing challenges.
  • Application:
    • I must identify when my inaction is contributing to the problem and take the necessary steps to correct the situation.

2. Sleep: Rest in God with faith.

  • There are moments when God calls us to stop worrying, trust in Him, and rest. In these cases, our faith is tested as we learn to fully depend on His sovereignty.
  • Examples:
    • Mark 4:38: Jesus was in the back part of the boat sleeping on a pillow. They woke Him up, crying out.
    • 2 Chronicles 20:17: You will not need to fight in this battle. Just stand still in your places and see the saving power of the Lord work for you.”
    • Psalm 4:8: “I will both lie down and sleep  in peace. O Lord, You alone keep me safe.”
  • Application:
    • I must discern when it is time to surrender the situation to God and rest, knowing that He is in control.

“Lord, give me the wisdom to know when I should rise and act, and when I should rest and trust in You. Help me discern Your will in every storm and depend on Your grace at all times.”

“…But Jonah had gone below in the ship and had lain down and fallen asleep. So the captain went to him and said, “How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god. It may be that your god will care about us, and we will not dies.'” Jonah 1:5-6 (NLV)

Think About It:

  • Are you facing a situation where you need to act courageously?
  • Is there something you need to surrender to God and rest in peace?
  • Pray today and ask the Lord for clarity to know when to act and when to rest.