The first thing we read in this passage is that God is encouraging us to be enlarged and to be stretched. Secondly, it talks about being strengthened in order to grow.
When it comes to edifying a building, you will see that the higher it is the stronger the foundations need to be. The further you want to get in life and the greater your dreams are, the stronger your foundations, values and faith need to be. If you do not have strong foundations you will not be able to withstand the pressure and temptations that come along with success.
Here are some stakes that must be strengthened before you stretch your tents:
1. The stake of prayer.
Someone said: a lot of prayer, a lot of power; a little prayer, a little power; no prayer, no power.
2. The stake of the Word.
The Word of God is the guide and the light that help us make our daily decisions.
Don’t ever stop serving, because serving keeps us humble and teachable. The person who stops learning, stops growing.
4. The stake of being teachable.
The one who stops learning, stops growing. Remember that what God has in store for you is greater than your whims and limited thoughts.
Think about it:
Which of these stakes that we just mentioned do you need to strengthen again?
How big are your dreams? How strong are your stakes?