There are several things in the world that frequently occupy human beings’ hearts. Some of us forget God when we are being successful or when we feel as if everything is going well. So, we devote our time and strength to our car, girlfriend, house, or our favorite hobby.
It is very common for us to pour our energy in trying to achieve what most people consider success. For example, we might focus on those things that will pass, but that captivate our eyes and our emotions, such as money, fame, power, sex, materialism, and other similar things that end up taking God’s place in our heart.
(Proverbs 4:23 NLT).
The state of our heart determines the state of our life. What kind of life do you want to have? A life that is led by the temporary things of life only lead us to temporary success. However, a life that is governed by the King of Kings will lead us to eternal success.
We must be wise and honor God’s place in our heart, because this is the only way we will get closer to Him and achieve true success.
Some of the things that I previously mentioned aren’t necessarily bad, in fact, many times they are blessings from God; but either way we must consider that they are temporary, and they must never replace the King of our heart, whom is eternal.
(1 John 5:21 NLT).
Think about it:
What things are you doing that you know are moving you away from the Lord?
What can you do to reach eternal success in your life?