Rage makes you foolish


Fools vent their anger,
    but the wise quietly hold it back. (Proverbs 29:11 NLT).

We can all have anger or rage, but the difference is how we react to it. There are two types of ways to react, and this defines the type of people we are, according to the Bible.

Foolish people do not know how to contain their rage. The wise have self control.

A fool’s rage causes frequent fights, loss of friendships, job opportunities, people don’t want to be on their team, and their family doesn’t enjoy being with them.

A wise person controls their anger, makes intelligent decisions, keep their friends, uses intelligence to resolve problems with their mind and not their emotions, and people enjoy being around them and a part of their team.

Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back. (Proverbs 29:11 NLT).

Think about it:

Which of these signs are in your life?

What do you do when you’re enraged?

Have you ever lost something because of a rage attack?