King David demonstrated God’s goodness to Mephibosheth, son of his great, late friend Jonathan. Mephibosheth was crippled in both feet, and never would have imagined that the King would call him to financially bless him by giving him property and even eating meals with him every day as if he were his own son. I imagine that his life was never the same!
God has also demonstrated His goodness through using people to bless us so that we can also do the same with others who are going through difficult situations or feel as if God has forgotten them.
Lord, use me to make someone else feel like royalty, just like King David made Mephibosheth feel.
Think about it:
Has someone done something for you in the most difficult moments of your life?
What can you do for someone today who needs to see that God has not forgotten him or her?
How can you bless them and show them the care and goodness of God?