It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. (1 Kings 7:1 NIV)
Solomon first built a temple for God, then he built a house for himself. It took him thirteen years. Excellent things are not built overnight.
1.- They take time. Someone estimated that 10,000 hours are needed for someone to become excellent at what they do.
2.- Excellent things require dedication.
Someone once said, “Jack of all trades, master of none.”
You cannot get distracted by secondhand things if you want to achieve something significant.
You cannot give in to the temptation of lying or manipulating someone if you really want to achieve something successfully.
You cannot give in to fleshly temptations. These are common and come to all human beings, but if you don’t want to be “common”, you’re going to have to dedicate yourself to what’s yours and ignore temporary pleasures of life to achieve the eternal.
3.- Excellent things require perseverance and commitment.
Unless you are committed to something, you will not be able to resist the temptation of giving up when things get difficult in your marriage, business, studies, or ministry.
It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. (1 Kings 7:1 NIV)
Think about it:
To what or whom have you dedicated more time to and are committed to?
What important things have you left halfway done?
What things easily distract you from doing things with excellence?