We are only administrators. One day our time of administrating will be over, and we will have to be accountable to the owner.
God is the owner of everything. You are only an administrator. All creation belongs to its creator. The sun, starts, trees, animals, plants, the universe.
One day, the owner will ask us to be accountable for everything we did with the resources He let us borrow while we were in this life.
Nothing of what you have is yours. Everything you have now was someone else’s before you were born. In the same way, it will be given to someone else once you die. But you will have to be accountable.
Think about it:
How are you using your money?
Do you use a budget to administer your money well or do you finish your weeks saying, “I don’t know where all my money went!”?
Are you serving with your gifts and abilities in your church?
Do you spend too much time on Facebook or watching TV and have unproductive days?