Bartimaeus was a burden to society and they didn’t expect anything from him, but look at the Bible passage. Even though there was a great multitude, why was Bartimaeus’ name mentioned?
- Jericho was a symbol of the adverse circumstances in his life. Bartimaeus was a blind person who lived in a cursed city, but God is not interested in where we’re born, rather what we are and who we can be.
- Bartimaeus was on the side of the path. In the same way, there are people who conform, and simply wait for things to happen and nothing does actually happen. They stay next to the path.
- He was a beggar without vision. He lived a life without vision, asking for anything. God’s purpose is greater than going through life.
- Jesus stopped with Bartimaeus. He had more faith than anyone else, as when he heard Jesus coming, he started to cry out to him.
- He didn’t wait for Jesus to do everything. He persisted more, and he didn’t care about criticism. We shouldn’t listen to the other voices.
God is asking you: What do you want? Just come close to Him as his child, believing, not begging, and be specific like Bartimaeus. If you identified with Bartimaeus in your tragedy, identify with him in victory.
Think about it:
If God asked you, “What do you want?”, what would you say?
Have you let criticism stop you from getting close to God?
What do you need to have success in life like Bartimaeus?