Many times, we don’t realize that we have bitterness and we also believe that we’ve already have forgiven, but we must ask God to search our hearts. These are some ways in which we will know if there is a bitter root in us:
1. By revelation. God will show it to you while listening to a preaching, by praying or reading the Bible. God can show you pains in your heart that haven’t been resolved yet. God reveals it to you in intimacy.
Sometimes you have problems in your marriage because you carry pains and wounds that you’ve brought from the past and you take it out on your children or spouse. God reveals it to you and says: “You are grieving the Holy Spirit, your prayers have hindrances, because you decided not to forgive.”
2. Through a man of God. Through a teaching in your Connection Group, in the School of Success, at Sunday teaching, etc.
3. Through the fruit of bitterness. Complaints, criticism, negativity, lack of joy, continuing illnesses, chronic stress, toxic relationships. Haven’t you noticed that if you have problems with everyone then maybe you are the problem?
People who are bitter don’t joy over others success. They see a growing ministry or company and criticize it.
One may not realize that we can be carrying those things from a young age.
Think about it:
Were you affected by bitterness as a child?
Are you envious of someone when they prosper?
Do you think you need healing?
Have you asked God to show you if there is bitterness in your heart?