Does the best or worst come out of me during a crisis?


If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say,
    “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.”. (Proverbs 3:28 NLT)

In times of crisis our human tendency can be to help others or take advantage of them.

In times of crisis the best or worst come out of us.

In this global pandemic of the coronavirus, people have come out who hoard certain items and resell them at exaggerated prices, making profits at the expense of the misfortune of others.

But different voices have raised up like the ones from Eagles CFC.

It has been so satisfying to see how people are taking care of each other.

There are more than three hundred pastoral calls made daily.

I’ve seen leaders taking care of their HOP members, teachers and members who simply congregate.
I have seen thousands of dollars pass from one family to another family in the form of food, offerings of money, groceries, medicine … and even cars that they have given to their disciples.

Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.
(Proverbs 3:3 NKJV)

Thank you Lord for my spiritual family.
Lord, let Dinora and I continue to be a blessing to others and always be in a position to give and help others.

Think about it: 

What has come out of you during this time of crisis?
How do you think you can bless someone in need?
How has God blessed you by using someone during this time of crisis?