Let’s use common sense against covid19


Common sense and success belong to me.
    Insight and strength are mine. (Proverbs 8:14 NLT)

I think about the relationship between the following words that I find in this chapter: “common sense”, “success”, “strength”, “intelligence”.

All these virtues are part of a wise person.

Let’s use common sense to have success defeating this Coronavirus.

Let’s pray strongly for God to do his part by intervening supernaturally.

But we must also do our part by using our “intelligence”.
Let’s use “common sense” by washing our hands, doing social distancing, not going out of the house to the store if not necessary.

1. Let’s not live in fear, let’s just be intelligent in order to overcome this pandemic faster and succeed as a society.

2. Keep using a budget.
This will allow you to use and stretch your emergency fund wisely.

3.Let’s have a defined routine in the day.

  • Don’t fall into disorder, use common sense and intelligence.
  • Don’t stay up till midnight watching news and movies. Maintainyour discipline.
  • Continue to wake up early to pray and read your Bible.
  • At the beginning of the day write a list of the productive things you will do.

Includes spiritual, family, financial, work issues, calls, etc.

People who don’t use common sense, intelligence and wisdom will get out of this crisis full of problems, but the wise will be successful.  

Common sense and success belong to me.
    Insight and strength are mine. (Proverbs 8:14 NLT)

Think about it:

Are you using your common sense, or have you been careless during this time?
Are you being disciplined in your finances?
Have you prioritized your home so as not to fall into chaos?