Jesus didn’t only socialize with brothers from church, he also transformed people like Matthew, who was a corrupt tax collector.
Nowadays, we still live in a society like this passage. There are corrupt people, drug trafficking, prostitution, violence, and individuals with a bad reputation.
There are a lot of religious folks who occasionally go to church, but they don’t cause a change in their lives nor in their community. All they do is watch and complain, while the leaders do something about what they see.
God made you, not only to have a religious “communion” among your Christian brothers, but to go look for the lost and teach them there is a better way of life.
Eagles Christian Family Center, was not called to be a center of “socialization”, but a church of “transformation”.
Therefore, our mission is to: “Win souls and make disciples, forming every person into a successful leader in their spiritual, family, social and financial life”.
Think about it:
What are you doing with your life, socializing or transforming?
Are you involved in your church activities that help change lives or are you complaining?
Do you support the Kingdom with your finances or are you a spectator?