I am also his dearly loved son


And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” (Matthew 3:17 NLT)

I believe that most of the people on earth don’t have the revelation of how much God loves us. When we know that we are loved we feel more secure, we have a healthy identity, we are more generous, more patient, we treat others with the same love that flows from us, we don’t feel threatened by the success of others, etc., etc.

The lack of revelation of God’s love is the cause for so much suffering on earth. It’s the reason for so much violence between nations, races, families, churches, between those with more money and those with less money, in between a neighbor and another, etc.

Not assimilating with certainty what it means to be “His beloved children” is the cause of rape, incest, domestic violence , adulterers, lies, envy, etc.

Oh, Lord if only we knew how much you loved us…
We wouldn’t need to do anything to be loved, for we are already loved.
We wouldn’t need to prove our value to anyone, we would know who we are.
We wouldn’t be affected by the offensive opinions of toxic people, we would know that “we are loved”.

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” (Matthew 3:17 NLT)

Think about it:
Do you feel loved by God?
What does feeling loved by God produce in you?
How do other’s offenses affect you?