Prophetic update of the heart


The crooked heart will not prosper;… (Proverbs 17:20 NLT)

We all need a prophetic update of our thoughts and our heart.
Phones need updates.
Computers need updates.
Applications like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram need updates.

What are the risks if we don’t have a prophetic update of what God is doing in the now? How long can we endure misaligned with God?


  • Delays. A phone can keep working for a long time, but they get slower.It takes longer to do something that it used to do faster because it’s not updated.
  • Incompatible. Some programs no longer work with an old system.
  • They freeze. They shut down.
  • Losses. Documents or work you might have done get lost and all of a sudden your phone 0r computer turns off and you lose them. Opportunities are lost.
  • Irrelevant and obsolete. A moment comes in where they are out of style. No one uses them. They are in a drawer, but they don’t work; they take up a space at home, but they don’t produce.

Likewise, there are people who go through this land, but they are only existing, they aren’t living. They lost their purpose. We all need a prophetic spiritual update of our thoughts.

The crooked heart will not prosper;… (Proverbs 17:20 NLT)

Think about it:
Do you feel like you’re falling behind in your purpose?
Are your heart and thoughts aligned with what God is doing at this time?
Were you more fruitful to God before than now?
What do you need to do to update yourself?