Have realistic expectations – part 1


If I hold on to the idea of waiting until the world is perfect, then without a doubt I will live frustrated.

No! You plot injustice in your hearts. You spread violence throughout the land. These wicked people are born sinners… (Psalms 58:2-3 NLT)

Reality is that we live in a world affected by sin.
We would love to leave our house every day and see that everyone treats us with kindness, that everyone is respectful, that all the drivers are friendly on the road, that all mechanics would smile, that the cashiers would treat you with courtesy in the bank, but,……in reality…..that expectation isn’t reality. The world isn’t all good.

We would like to live in a world where evil doesn’t exist, but the reality is that we live in a world where both things exist: good and evil.
Our challenge is to learn to live successfully in the midst of good and evil.
On this earth nothing is perfect. Marriages are not perfect, schools are not perfect, churches are not perfect, people are not perfect.

King David expressed his frustration at seeing the bad part of this world:

Justice—do you rulers know the meaning of the word? Do you judge the people fairly? No! You plot injustice in your hearts. You spread violence throughout the land. These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way. They spit venom like deadly snakes; they are like cobras that refuse to listen,
Psalms 58:1-4 (NLT)

Can we live successfully in a world where there is good and evil? Yes!

To be continued…

Think about it:

What have you done to be successful in a world where there is good and evil?
How do you think we can enjoy life in the midst of good and evil?