Stealing talks about deceiving or cheating someone. We can steal from others (Leviticus 19:11), we can steal from God (Malachi 3:8-10) and we can steal from ourselves (Galatians 6:7). In this occasion, I want to emphasize some ways in which you can steal, deceive and cheat yourself.
1. You can steal your own life.
Time is life. When we waste our time, we are wasting life that cannot be recovered. How much time do you invest in watching unimportant subjects on social media or television? How would your life be if you would invest your time in learning English or graduating from college?
2. You can steal your own money.
You cheat yourself when you do not have order in your financial life. You steal from yourself when you have debts, when you do not have an emergency fund, when you do not use a budget and when you do not invest in your retirement plan.
If you have not made a budget, then you do not know where your money is going. You live in debt and you are unable to save. It is difficult for you to practice the 10 10 80 principle. You spend God’s 10 percent and the 10 percent that should go to your retirement. Therefore, you steal from yourself, because you do not pay yourself.
3. You can steal your purpose.
Do not go through this life without discovering what is your purpose in God. Use your gifts to add value to other people. Discover how you can serve people in the ministry at your church.
4. You can steal your own health.
When you eat junk food, when you do not rest appropriately and do not exercise, you are damaging your health and reducing your life span.
You are ruining your emotional health, when you live with resentment and constantly remember the pain and offense you received. Choose to forgive every day, and do not rob yourself or your loved ones from the joy of living in peace.
Think about it:
In which areas, have you stolen from yourself?
How can you take advantage of your life in order to live with purpose?