Animals are wiser than the wise

ANIMALS ARE WISER THAN THE WISE On this earth four things are small but very wise: (Proverbs 30:24-28 CEV) 1. “Ants, who seem to be feeble, but store up food all summer long;”. This talks to me about good administration. Hard work. savings. 2. “Badgers, who seem to be weak, but live among the rocks;”….

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The power of a genuine blessing

THE POWER OF A GENUINE BLESSING  “In that case,” Eli said, “go in peace! May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him.” (1 Samuel 1:17-18, NLT) In this story from the Bible, Ana had been praying and crying out to God for her petition. What was Ana’s petition? Have a…

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Words of blessing change lives

WORDS OF BLESSING CHANGE LIVES AND LAST FOR GENERATIONS Part 1 Then the elders and all the people standing in the gate replied, “We are witnesses! May the Lord make this woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, from whom all the nation of Israel descended! May you prosper in Ephrathah…

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The lazy one

THE LAZY ONE I walked by the field of a lazy person, the vineyard of one with no common sense. (Proverbs 24:30 NLT) No matter what project you give to a lazy person, they will never make what is given to them flourish. A lazy person doesn’t multiply, doesn’t prosper, doesn’t finish their studies, doesn’t…

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