I know what you are like

I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LIKE I know what you are like, O Ephraim.  You cannot hide yourself from me, O Israel… (Hosea 5:3 NLT) While I read this, I apply it to my life thinking that God tells me, “I know what you are like, Guillermo.” Sometimes we have a certain image for many…

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A voice behind me

A VOICE BEHIND ME Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say,“This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.(Isaiah 30:21 NLT) Lord, I want to develop a deeper intimacy with you every day, to the point where I can clearly perceive your voice right…

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Firm like a nail

FIRM LIKE A NAIL … for I will drive him firmly in place like a nail in the wall. (Isaiah 22:23b NLT) When someone has God’s support, good things happen: 1.- Godafirmsus. What we do has abundant fruit. People see “something different” in us. … for I will drive him firmly in place like a…

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Power and ranks will one day be buried

POWER AND RANKS WILL ONE DAY BE BURIED Your might and power were buried with you. The sound of the harp in your palace has ceased Now maggots are your sheet, and worms your blanket.’ (Isaiah 14:11 NLT) We shouldn’t put our trust in the power we sometimes have, because it is temporary and one day…

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Finally the people will seek God

FINALLY THE PEOPLE WILL SEEK GOD Then at last the people will look to their Creator and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 17:7 NLT) Even though this is a verse that speaks to the people of Israel, I also want to apply a principle to our present situation. I pray…

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