The miracle that God is about to do

THE MIRACLE THAT GOD IS ABOUT TO DO The Lord says, “I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts.It was I who sent this great destroying army against you. Once again you will have all the food you want, andyou will…

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PENTECOST On the day of Pentecost] all the believers were meeting together in one place. 2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:1-2 NLT) The Feast of Pentecost tells me about at least three things that come…

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He already knew, but he tested him

HE ALREADY KNEW, BUT HE TESTED HIM …and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from the town of Abel-meholah to replace you as my prophet. (1 Kings 19:16 NLT) Prophet Elijah already had an order from God to anoint Elisha as his successor, however, he tested him first. He took him through four places that represented…

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The bronze serpent

THE BRONZE SERPENT  Then the Lord told him, “Make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to a pole. All who are bitten will live if they simply look at it!”. (Numbers. 21:5-8 NLT)  When the people of God left Egypt, they became impatient for the long journey in the desert, and began…

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